Hi! I'm Nick Soper.
I'm here to help students leverage their skills, experiences,
and their unique story on the path to college.
(Got a few extra minutes? Check out my recent TEDx talk about becoming the hero of your own story!)
A few things you should know about my high school years:
I played keyboard in a rock band and saxophone in the school band. I did a year of independent study in Spanish. I was on the lacrosse and water polo teams. I swam in state competitions. I acted in school musicals and one-act festivals. I took AP classes, the SAT, the ACT, and the Subject Tests.
But the truth was that I had NO IDEA what I wanted to study -- let alone what my career path would be -- when I got my acceptance letter to Northwestern University. There were many anxiety-addled moments when I questioned every choice I'd ever made, wondering what it was all about and where it was all going.
Fast forward to 2011, after years of pursuing my own passions of writing and acting, after working in a variety of environments wearing many different hats, and after roughly a decade of coaching high school students through test prep, auditions and the writing process, a long-awaited light bulb lit up:
I needed to share my perspective to help out-of-the-box kids transition to college with the confidence, clarity, and sense of ownership that they deserve.
That's why I founded Creative College Prep.
What you should know about me now:
• I take my own professional development very seriously. I went through UCLA Extension's College Counseling program, I'm an active member of NACAC, WACAC, and HECA, and I visit dozens of college campuses each year.
• I value authenticity, connection, and hard work. My highest priority is making your teenager feel safe enough with me to be vulnerable, and to express deep truths. That is where creativity lives and how fulfillment comes to be. My next priority is holding your teenager accountable throughout the college-going process so that you can rest assured every step along the way is covered.
• I love what I do. I am awestruck by the insights my students develop, I'm inspired by their newfound self-assurance, and I'm humbled witnessing them tap into their potential, finding the college that's truly the right fit.
Going off to college can be an exciting, transformative rite of passage. Let's find out where the story goes from here.